Some nice trailrunning outside Stockholm. Second run on my rehab within rehab. Feel a little bit in my foot, but if it stays like that it should be ok. Tomorrow swimming, maybee frisbee golf (if I can get my brother moving), then running again on Tuesday.
Hello! I found your blog on bloglovin'. I am also a runner, training in Belgium for the summer. It's too bad that you have an injured foot right now-- I know exactly how you feel about swimming! (I had to cross train for a lot of the spring because of tendonitis). If you want to, check out my blog- if you like it, we can follow each other and expand our network of running friends :)
SvaraRaderaHi! Thanks, yeah, injuries are no fun. But I guess we can learn from them, about patience, about varying the training more and about knowing yourself.
SvaraRaderaHow is running in Belgium? You have hills, or is it all flat?
Will check out your blog :-)