måndag 12 april 2010

Cold but beautiful. And panamanian on the subway!

6.82 km, 37:08 min. Slow run after sunset.

Days are getting warmer, but after sunset its getting closer to 0 C again. Ice flakes still on the lake, but almost all snow is gone now. A few people out taking a walk, one or two runners.

Took a slow run, that turned out to be just a tiny bit longer than planned. It is really difficult to be patient. It felt pretty ok today, not too much pain. Felt a bit stiff, and a slight pain but not too bad.

Getting late now in Sweden. Thinking about what goals I should have for this year when it comes to running. I have a few ideas, and starting to think about one or two interesting projects. Soon, it is time to take a first look at the maps.. :-)

Coming back slowly, and two fantastic ultras

Have not written much the last few weeks, not here, not in FB. Why? Simply, not much running.

But, as all runners know. Injuries and rehab is part of running too. So, why not write about that boring part as well. When things do not go so well. When the smooth flight is transformed into a stiff trotting around, feeling every part of the knee, trying to sense differences in the pain. Improvement? Any change at all?

Less than two months to Stockholm Marathon and I am trying not to get stressed. After all. Its only 42 km. But maybe I have to give up my 3.15 goal that I set after the marathon in Panama last year. But I will run for sure, b ut I have to wait a bit with setting the goal. For now, my goal is just to get on track again.

4.5 km yesterday, and it did not hurt too much, just a little. Fairly slow pace, 5.30 min/km, talking and chatting with Dino. And the spring is really here! More than 20 C in the sun, everyone full of life. Today gray again, around 0 C. This is April in Sweden!

One day flowers are fighting their way up through the ground, the beautiful yellow flower above. Next day, a layer of snow.

Last weekend was exciting. Two fantastic ultra-races, and it was frustrating not to be able to participate!

One race here in Sweden, where Zebban (http://gonnarun100miles.blogspot.com/)made a go for his magic 100 miles in the 100 miles ultra TEC in Täby, north of Stockholm. 90 km this time. Next time you will make it for sure, Zebban!

Second race in California, where a number of my panamanian friends went for the 50 miles ultra AR50. Seven panamanians, and by far the largest foreign team in the race. Everyone made it, and making fantastic times as well! Some pictures and my friend Carlitos story here: http://gonnarun100miles.blogspot.com/.

Now I am looking forward for my next "not-so-close-to-ultra" training, with a knee that is slooowly getting better.