söndag 19 april 2009

An early morning, 37 km and beautiful red flowers

37.37 km, 3 h 37 min 21 sec, 5:49 min/km. Longest since the Marathon in August and a pretty good pace.

The alarm clock went off at 3:20 am, and it took one lap just to wake up, 3.75 km. Still heavy legs, which is not so strange when I look at the weekly summary- almost 90 km this week, more than 20 km more than any other week.

Did the 25/5 today again, running 25 min, walking 5 min and so on, but kept the running on a much faster pace than I will do on the Ocean to Ocean. 5:49 min/km in average, means that I was running around 5:30 min/km while running. This, and the fact that every lap means around 55 meter in height differences adds a total of 550 meter in height difference, resulted in a pretty good run today.

Also, the 5:49 is faster than the time I did on the Marathon, and I would have had no problem today continuing for one or two more laps! Well, if it wasnt for the heat of course. On the last lap, the temperature rose above 30 C, which in the sun became even more- not a favourite temperature for someone from the far north..

A few hundred meter into the park, my eyes got caught of a tree- a completely bare, grey and dead (?) tree, a big one touching the skye. But in the tree, high up, were these fantastic red flowers. In the dead grey, they were so much more beautiful!

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