fredag 7 maj 2010

Running blind

Running. Slowly closing my eyes. Focus shifting from breath down to my feet. All of a sudden, I can feel the ground through the sole. All my focus is on the feet now, shifting from eyes to other senses. I can see the ground with my feet, with my soles. I can hear the ground. So many more senses, more intense. Really weird.

10 seconds, 20 seconds. I can feel when I slowly get off track, and adjust to the left. 30 seconds, and I carefully open my eyes to make sure that I dont run into a tree.

Finally, I have to open my eyes. 30 seconds of a very strange feeling.

Running blind.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Regards Joakim, are CRAZY Folk ! ! !

    Best regards from your friend in Panama


  2. Fer, my friend, good to hear from you! You should try it! Has to be pretty good surface though..
