måndag 9 november 2009

Direction of Panama

Couldnt stay away for long from running, this picture is from a nice morning run on Cinta Costera, the sun about to go up.

A little more than 20 years ago, Guillermo Endara won the presidential election by 3 to 1 against the "puppy" candidate of Noriega, Carlos Duque. Noriega didnt really like the result, so he nullified the election and let his so called "Dignity Batallions" beat Endera and his friend Ford pretty bad.

During this period, Balbina Herrera was one of the leading figures related to the Dignity Batallions. And Manuel Solis Palma was acting president. Ugly dudes.

In the presidential elections earlier this year, Martinelli won an overwhelming victory against Balbina.

Democracy - Ugly Dudes: 1-0

Later this year, Endara passed away, and a public holiday was anounced to mourn for the popular ex-presiden. Good decision.
A few days ago, Manuel Solis Palma passed away. Martinelli was quick to anounce that there would be NO public holiday due to this, no mourning. Good decision number two!

Democracy - Ugly Dudes: 2-0

I have a very limited knowledge about the panamania history, and I have never witnessed the ugly face of dictatorship. But, with the outside view, this feels like Panama is heading in the right direction, towards an even better democracy with less corruption and less ties with the old powerplay dudes from the Noriega-period.

In the last administration, Solis Palma served as education minister. I am just curious to how he wanted the history of Panama to be tought to the kids, to the future of Panama. "No, Noriega was a nice guy and I really was the elected president, and we just talked in friendly ways with the opposition". Or..?

Martinelli: go for it! Continue to clean up the building-mess with unauthorized constructions and everything else. Talk about change management!

I really like this country and its people. I really really hope that I am right to believe that you are going in the right direction!

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