söndag 3 maj 2009

Back-to-back and a new president

Saturday 24.32 km, Sunday 26.37 km. My first back-to-back.

Back to back is a way to get the body used to longer runs without actually running longer.. The theory, I think, is that instead of running 50 km on one day, I run 25 km two days in a row. Since the body dont really recover until the second day, it is a way to get used to running longer distances. Also, it is good mental training since the legs are a bit tired the second day.

Since it was the first time I tried it, I did not run too long, around 25 km each day. Which would have been really long for me half a year ago- its amazing really, thinking back. Today run felt really good. I had very nice company the first half, my new friend Carlos, talking about everything from running, family, politics and other things.
For the second half my company was the swedish group Kent, sort of slow, almost sad rock. By now I recognise many, if not most people in the park.

The chinese group, always walking, spreading out forcing me to run in the grass to pass. Yesterday, one of them actually made a gesture that could have been interpreted as a greeting. Otherwise they form a tight group.

The middle age man running really really slow, toung moving from side to side. Which I found out to be one of Panamas best cardiologists!

The middle age woman that struggles on, lap after lap, with just a tiny bit too much weight.

The runners, that almost always say hi, sometimes with a smile, sometime with a tired face.

The police "guarding" the park (i.e. reading SMS on the mobile, or looking at a football game, preferably when ladies play).

The two guys that I always seem to meet, really long guy and a somewhat shorter with mustage.

And all the others...

I had the pleasure of meeting Luis also this morning, Carlos friend. He was complaining that the guards did not let him in the park when he was there 2:30 in the morning. Luis is training for a 100 miles run later this year. When I left the park 8:30 in the morning, Luis was still running...

A new president. That is what we have now, even though we dont know who yet. The voting was closed 40 minutes ago. Balbina or Martinelli. Left or Right. Ghosts from Noriega or kapitalism. I think this is a pretty important election for the future of Panama. Panama have come quite far in the 20 years after the invasion when Noriega was removed, but they have some way to go.
Huge differences in income.
They are of course related, and I believe that only way to move forward is to have a stonger middle class and more education. But the men and women in power might not think that more even incomes are so good. Cheap services, chea maids, high standard of living. They do not want to loose that of course.
Whoever wins the election, the road is truly winding. Lets hope that he or she stays on the track.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Seems like a great place to run! Great job with the b2b runs!

  2. It is a great place! A bit boring after 5 or 6 laps, but the fresh juice afterwards is a fantastic reward (then I mean fresh like in making it on the spot from fresh fruit).

    Well, thank you for the advise regarding the b2b. I will not do it next weekend, since I will be flying, but hopefully the weekend after, then in Sweden.

  3. Mycket intressant detdär att man på ett sätt får kroppen att tro att den kör längre pass genom att springa långpass dagarna på varann. Då kanske min transportlöpning till och från jobbet varje dag utrustar mig för ett ultralopp i sommar.

    Mysigt det lär med riktiga Mumindalen! Är det en ö som "vanliga" kan åka till också?

  4. Hur långt har du till jobbet? Imponerande att springa båda vägarna!

    Tomten är privat, men det brukar vara ok att promenera runt. Kanske inte på midsommar, då är det så mycket folk.. Bästa är höst och vår, då är det inga där, då är det bara att knata runt.

    Tomten, som köptes av min farfars far och fortfarande är lite av en släkttomt, ligger på södra Blidö. Tove tog muminhuset (ursprungshuset, som farfars far byggde) och mumindalen från tomten, det är nästan som en liten dal när man promenerar från bussen.

    Är du intresserad kan jag fixa en karta, så kan du ta en dagsutflykt från Stockholm (båt eller buss) och kika.

  5. Har 7.5-8 km till jobbet, som jag nästan alltid springer 5 dagar i veckan om jag inte är på någon arbetsresa. Och vill jag köra intervaller blir det lite längre hemväg. Men då verkligen sitter jag hela dagarna på jobbet. Tycker det är väldigt smidigt sätt att få in löpning, då det knappt tar någon tid alls (typ 45 min att springa, och 35 min om jag åkte kollektivtrafik, så det är liksom solklart val!).

    Tänkte testa testa 12 timmars i Trollhättan i slutet av juni, så jag försöker läsa in mig på allt med ultralöpning just nu :) .

    Hojtar till ifall det blir en utflykt till riktiga mumindalen - mycket möjligt att det blir under sommaren!
