To avoid the last weeks curious feeling of trying to drink ice after 20 minutes of running and the waterbottle froze, I decided to put my "camelback" to test. A new insulating cover for the "drinking tube", and heating up the sportdrink to almost boiling.
Also testing home made energy gel. After the disastrous experiment with the Rune cakes in December, I decided to try something new. Why not make my own energy gel....
Bananas, cacao and a lot of other stuff. Honestly, it looked really discusting. But tasted ok. Lucky me. Hmm. Not really gel, so I decided to put it in my waterbottle. Getting started after 7 am.

Light is slowly coming. The sunrise in Sweden is so long compared to Panama. In Panama, its like a light switch is turned on, its really fast.
In Sweden, the sunrise last for one or two hours.
Which is nice.
During winter, sunset starts directly after sunrise.
Which is not so nice.
Beautiful in any case, and while running in Årstaviken, I have to stop and take a phot- its so beautiful! But stopping for just a minute, and the cold is kreeping in. I dont have a thermometer, but it feels a bit colder than just a few below zero.

Continue Årstaviken runt, crossing Liljeholmsbron on the way back, and decides to turn right and go pass the small lake Trekanten, then continue to the historical place, Vinterviken, where Alfred Nobel made explosives many years ago.

Now its really cold, even though the sun is coming up- behind the clouds. Luckily, they have put up a sign- No Diving. Great, I was just about to jump into the water, sorry, on the ice...
I decided to cut the planned 2 hour run to 1:40, around 16 km. It really is a tremendous difference running here, not being used to the cold, the snow and the ice.
Checking the web, I could see that the temperature was around -12 C when I started. Not warm. And a lot of funny things happens. To the body of course, knees, feet, face, hands.
Covering the face with a scarf to handle the worst cold results in ice building up on the scarf, and after 20-30 minutes of running, the scarf have turned to ice.
The training program is more or less screwed up, and I have to focus on slowly getting used to the cold.
The race in April... Well, lets see...
Checking the web, I could see that the temperature was around -12 C when I started. Not warm. And a lot of funny things happens. To the body of course, knees, feet, face, hands.
Covering the face with a scarf to handle the worst cold results in ice building up on the scarf, and after 20-30 minutes of running, the scarf have turned to ice.
The training program is more or less screwed up, and I have to focus on slowly getting used to the cold.
The race in April... Well, lets see...
Joakim, you seem like a terrorist :)
SvaraRaderaWhat a fucking cold there, come back to Panama folk, we are waiting for you.
Warm regards,
FER, mi amigo! Yepp, its cold alright. And believe me, I feel like a terrorist, wanting to blast the cold away.