A week ago now, which feels a bit distant. More so than normal, with the unusually cold weather in Sweden now.
Anyway, it was a fantastic way to finish my running in Panama for a while, meeting many of my new friends in Panama. We had friends from Sweden visiting, and Jacob 15 years wanted to run the 3 km race. Also Ida was running out of competition, before the race started. So, in practice, there were three swedes running. New record for Panama?
A perfect race for me I think, starting flat the first 6-700 meters, then going quite steep uphill the next km, going up some 40 meters. I knew from the El Valle race, and my previous experience that I am fairly strong on the hills. Also, Luis Carlos kind words after El Valle helped me looking forward to the uphill.
Coming to the start area around 6.15 am, start should be at 7 am. "Dont worry, Jacob, they will start around 7.15 at the earliest". Also, the race from last year had more participants than usual, which would mean further delays when a lot of people needed a number. Warmed up slowly, went to the bathroom around 6.45 am. Came out just before 7, jogging slowly towards the start. "Maybe we should intensify the warm-up a little bit", then we passed Margaret. "Guys, the start is now!!! Have you gotten your numbers???".
What? Its only 7 am? How can it possibly start now???
Running towards the start, and now I see that they are just about to get running! Wow, incredible!
Not the perfect warm-up, but off we go! My idea is to run a 4 min/km speed, and do the uphill in 4.30 min/km pace. That would give me a finish-time around 21m30s on the 5.2 km race.
Start off slightly faster, as always. But slower than many others..
"Jacob, how are you feeling?"
Wow, he is keeping up with my 3.50 min/km pace, I am impressed!
Coming to the uphill, going slightly slower, but not much. Around 4.15 min/km, and passing several runners. Jacob is slightly behind me now, and I am hoping that the turnaround for the 3 km is clearly marked.. It turns out, that it was not...
I can see Fer ahead of me, I wont catch him today either. Of course.. :-). One day, Fer, one day.
Passing Moises Barragan and Victor Liao, that normally beats me in the races. On almost the same place, I was passed by Moises in the marathon last year (he actually blew passed me, superstrong!). Both are strong runners, and very nice guys. I think this is the first race I actually pass them, and of course it boost my confidence further. I feel strong as I pass more runners, and come to the top where the first water point is.
Taking longer strides now, using my long legs to gain further in the downhill towards Panamerican Highway. Realizing that I have not seen any turnaround for the 3 km. "Damn, this will be tricky for Jacob".
Panamerican Highway now, going up and down. Running close to two other runners, passing eachother in turns. Noone want to let the other pass, ofcourse!
Turning right, and going uphill again. Last uphill, and I pass one or two more runners. Going downhill, but getting passed by Maria Viera. "What! How can she pass, when I have so much longer legs..?". A bit confused, I just continue pushing downhill, but she stays ahead of me.
Last km now, going flat. Thinking "Damn, time to really stretch my strides..", and passes Maria Viera. I think she tries to follow, but its not very far with my legs being so much longer. Sort of cheating...
Doing the last turn, 20 meters to go and I make a last effort, sprinting passed yet another runners, crossing the line at 20m33s. I am sooo happy about the time!
Asking Ida about Jacob, and as I feared, he didnt make the turn for the 3 km. He continued on the 5 km race...
A few minutes later, Jacob came in just above 24 min, looking really angry! Actually furious! "Welcome to Panama!" I greeted with a smile, and then told him what a marvelous race he had done! Talked to Elmer a bit later, and had Jacob signed in for the 5 km race officially. I doesnt matter that he is listed as "Daido" Sidambah, he is in the list.
It felt strange to leave, knowing that the flight to Sweden was in two days. There is so much I will miss, and the races and the crazy (and wonderful) runners are high on the list! But again, I am so thankful for everything, for all the friendly people, the open atmosphere and for an (mental) environment where I can fulfill my crazy dreams.
Love to you all!
Pic: Fer is rocking!
Pic: hmm. I actually look a bit tired..
Pic: Jacob, just after finish a 5.2 km race, 2.2 km longer than he expected to run!
Pic: And Daniel, thank you for the good runs. Sorry we didnt do more of them, but there will be more opportunities. Keep running!
Thank you, Ida, for taking the pictures!!!
Hi Joakim, it is Aldo Nieto from /// Panama, I was looking in google about balboa runners and then find out your blog which was first in the results!
SvaraRaderaNice to see you were having so much fun running here in Panama, I want to start running thats the reason why i found this place.
Hope you are still running there in Sweden.
Im also trying to learn swedish so hopefully soon I will understand the meaning of the swedish words haha.
Hej då
Hola Aldo,
SvaraRaderagood to hear you will start running! The runners in Panama are very nice, it was like a family to me and I really miss them. Go run with them, and they will support you. Everyone is welcome there, and everyone supports eveyone. Hope to see you!