tisdag 27 september 2011


Long intervals, not my favorites. I prefer long, slow runs. Or a steady 10 km race. Fall is all over, trees are turning yellow and read. Fresh air. Beautiful and perfect for running!


lördag 24 september 2011

Run Free!!!

Me and Caballo Blanco

A nice run, slow pace, around 15 km. Longest run in over a year. Found great trails along the shore almost all the way. 

fredag 9 september 2011

måndag 5 september 2011

söndag 4 september 2011

Feet hurt..

Salsa concert does not mean only concert. King of salsa, Willie Colon, yesterday in a great concert. Many hours of wating and some dancing, now my feet hurt.

lördag 3 september 2011

A nice evening run, and a new low

Nice but a bit chilly evening run. Not too much energy thanks to the strict diet. Almost a week by now. But the result is pretty good. 1 1/2 month ago: 89 kg. This morning: 82.1 kg. Lowest in many years.

torsdag 1 september 2011

Day five- feeling a bit... squiffy

Squiffy. Read it somewher, and somehow it feels exactly right. 

Five days on a not very fat diet, in combination with daily runs, with a resting day today. 10 km yesterday, with the body screaming for a big, fat, bloody steak! Instead, when I came home after the run- water and a carrot...

Looking forward for breakfast. Two slices of bread, not butter but a slice of cheese (low fat). And a cup of tea. Yeah!